So two posts in one day - EXCITING - lol, well i just finished grocery shopping which sucked all the cash out of my pocket AAANND wallet lol.
But when i got home my bf's brother gave me FFXII Special Edition Game i was like O_O wahh?
I havn't played to much of this game in the past due to the fact that the game play was different and it didnt suit the way i was used to playing, but I do love the story line and the characters but i guess it just wasnt for me, needless to say that doesn't stop me from playing it again ;)..
The game came in a special tin that holds two discs for the game . I've never seen this before when i was in it Australia, so it could just be the American version of it, which is pretty cool if i do say so haha.
I also have the strategy guide but i left that back home in Aus :(
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very nice <3 truely awesome ^_^