Tuesday, 31 May 2011

stupid ass land lords WARNING: Rant..

Theres so much stuff going on atm, our land lord hasnt returned phone calls.
We've been trying rent to buy and all we need is another year to sum up enough credit to buy the house, and the stupid land lord said well 6 months should do (yeah f****n right) and now he might not even do 6 months.

I hope he dies in a hole.

idk what to so since im not allowed to work for the moment.
Its not like we dont pay rent on time >_>.

Plus the only reason why he wants to kick us out and hurry up and sell this house is so he can get a 600k apartment and rent it out.

Its funny how people will walk on everyone to get what they want, they dont care if people end up homeless, or dead, in the end no one actually cares no one will help you if theres money involved, and i know theres other opinions out there sayin "oh, thats not true" well for me it is, because no matter where, all my life has been like that.

Humans in general are greedy creatures, and thats why in the end we will prob just kill each other.

Power, Sex,and Money is what the world revolves around, and watching the news and reading the paper, seeing how people treat each other leads me to believe more in that fact.

And nothing will ever change..

-End Rant-


  1. i truely believe the same as you people are greedy, if your not what they want they throw you in the trash thats how i feel people treat me half the time :/ it would be awesome if everyone treated each other nicely but i cant see that happening unless most of the population was wiped clean lol

  2. yeah, or you'll be friends with them for a long time and one day they decide they have no use for use for u anymore and ignore u >_>
    This is why im an animal person hahaha

  3. me too ^_^ it seems like animal people get along together so well because we been throuh the same crap in life <3
